Interpreting Canada's Past: A Pre-Confederation Reader.epub
11. the church believes that human rights are a fundamental and inalienable right of all human beings and she regards with satisfaction the growing interest in, and use of, this new concept in the world. in her pastoral ministry, she wishes to affirm that the "pastoral plan of the church is contained in the teachings on the dignity of human persons and on the rights of social groups. these teachings determine the path of every human being; they imply a new way of managing social relationships, especially in the matter of employment and working conditions, and also with regard to consumer products, and finally with regard to the origin and use of our common goods. the dignity of the human person is the prerequisite of every form of cooperation and a help for human coexistence. every individual human being, however, must be duly treated as an end, never simply as a means. one's rights are a guarantee for oneself, but they cannot be taken from oneself. the use of human rights is also a manifestation of love and faith. the church's teaching on the dignity of the human person, on respect for the human body and its inviolability, on the rights of marriage and of children, on respect for the dignity and the inherent value of each and every human being, of all races, of every nation, of all cultures, and of every social and political order, must promote peace among peoples, promote tolerance and non-violence among nations, promote justice in peoples' relations with one another.
Interpreting Canada's Past: A Pre-Confederation Reader.epub
the church is called to address in a concrete way the crisis of integrity of its fundamental social institutions and the social challenges of the modern world. a shared answer to these critical ecological, economic, social and political problems requires a recovery of the cultural values of the christian spirit and an increased appreciation of the church's social doctrine. in her words and deeds, the church takes a firm stand against the onslaught of these social crises by proclaiming an authentic spirituality of the poor in the world and engaging in an uncompromising action against injustice and the abuse of god's creation.