Equilibrium (2002)
Filmsquare: The architecture of the Museo della Civiltà Romana was utilised for a number of scenes in Equilibrium (2002): where Father gives a speech, clerics practice gun kata and the Resistance mount an attack.
Equilibrium (2002)
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Filmsquare: The two main times that John Preston is overcome by emotion: after meeting the Resistance and seeing Mary incinerated in Equilibrium (2002) were both shot here. For the latter, mock steps were built.
Filmsquare: The Glockenturm was used in Equilibirum (2002) as "Equilibrium", the building where Librians collect their Prozium, where Preston goes to report a broken vial and where he meets inside with DuPont.
The equilibrium and kinetic folding of hen egg-white lysozyme was studied by means of circular dichroism spectra in the far- and near-ultraviolet (UV) regions at 25 degrees C under the acidic pH conditions. In equilibrium condition at pH 2.2, hen lysozyme shows a single cooperative transition in the GdnCl-induced unfolding experiment. However, in the GdnCl-induced unfolding process at lower pH 0.9, a distinct intermediate state with molten globule characteristics was observed. The time-dependent unfolding and refolding of the protein were induced by concentration jumps of the denaturant and measured by using stopped-flow circular dichroism at pH 2.2. Immediately after the dilution of denaturant, the kinetics of refolding shows evidence of a major unresolved far-UV CD change during the dead time ( 041b061a72